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Madách Theatre
- Company name
- Madách Színház Nonprofit Kft.
- Headquarters
- 1073 Budapest, Erzsébet krt. 29-33.
- Postal address
- 1400 Budapest 7. Pf. 49
- Central telephone number
- +36 1 478 2000
- Email
- Web
- Company registration number
- 01-09-917954
- Tax number
- 21974593-2-42
- The authority registering the Madách Theater
- Metropolitan Court of Registration
- Responsible publisher
- Tamás Szirtes Executive Director
- Head of Communications
- Melinda Kósa
- Webmaster
- Mária Papp
- Image
- András Vízvárdi
- Photos
- Szabina Jardek, Béla Kanyó, Angéla Mohos, Eszter Szántó
Operations and Development
- Web hosting service provider
- Company registration number
- 07-09-003739
- European Unique Identifier of the Company
- HUOCCSZ.01-09-917954
- Official electronic contact of the Company
- 21974593#cegkapu
- Tax number
- 11115139-2-07
- Headquarters
- 8000 Székesfehérvár, Gyetvai u. 6.